fri, oct 18

sun, oct 20

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Enter the Cauldron for Your Creation.


Experience Your Pilgrimage Without the Plane Trip

Catalyze your CREATION with your


A Weekend Dedicated to Clarifying, Fortifying, and Clearing the Way for Your Creative Calling

dramatically move the needle in your art, business, or life re-creation without moving from home

(unless you want to ;)

Online Retreat Experience

Friday, October 18: 5-7 pm MDT
Saturday, October 19: 9am-4pm MDT
Sunday, October 20: 3-5 pm MDT

complete with live community, intimate support, guest experts & structured creation time...and yes, recordings ;)

Amplify your CREATORSHIP and accelerate your CREATION


Carve space for your CREATRESS within your beautiful life.

Stop trying to fit the expanse of your calling into the nooks and crannies of your already-full life.

You know how you’ve worked so hard to be responsible and do everything right? Maybe you got married, tried to be a good mom, got a good, supportive job, helped people, tried to be a good friend, but you wonder if you’ll end up regretting that you resigned yourself to smallness and support instead of found out what you were capable of?

You know how you want to create a new template of how to be a good mother, wife, daughter, partner WHILE also prioritizing your own full unfurling, but your current life feels too habitual, expected, and busy?

You know how you want to create something real enough to buy the land, take the vacation, establish financial sovereignty or at least a meaningful contribution, but you never have the time, energy, or mental space?

You know how you long to feel wild, free, fun, and unencumbered, but when you have a spare hour, you just want to take a nap and recover from all the holding together?

You know how you can feel another possibility, but you never seem to get the clarity of the next right move to take meaningful steps toward your overwhelming vision?

I hate to break it to you, but a dream as big as yours will require bigger devotion, space, and belief than dreaming about the downpayment or listening to a few podcasts. 

Plus, if you don't hang out with people who are actually *doing* the thing you want to do, your brain is highly invested in making sure you "never get around to it" so you'll stay safe and normal.

So how can you make dream-realizing shifts and bold, needle-moving moves without blowing up your whole life?

ESPECIALLY if you don't know the exact plan forward or even why you haven't just done it already.

You CAN have it all, dear one.
And you can have it very quickly.

But not without some massive shifts in idenity, clarity, support, community, and real, grounded action. 

  • Co-regulating and unfurling with other women who are bravely pursuing audacious visions and making marked progress on their bold creations

  • Completely disrupted from the habits and patterns that slow you down and keep you stuck

  • Addressing the whole of yourself and getting your body, mind, spirit, soul, and nervous system in coherence and moving toward the same desire

  • Expertly guided through workshops and individual sessions to identify and amplify your deepest desires and most potent genius 

  • Steeping in the collective creative field to take the most powerful action on your creations (writing, sourcing, making, marketing), instead of just making plans and talking about it

dramatic change, evolution, and progress is possible when you're...

With some space to truly drop in and immerse in your creation, you could recuperate, rediscover joy in your body, and also generate, outline, and make progress on the NEXT BIG THING.

You probably have fantasies about escaping, just for awhile.

maybe even a weekend away from the pace and demands of your current life feels like a stretch. Maybe an hour seems too hard or too tiring.
Maybe you wonder if there will ever be a better time to answer the call.

Maybe you haven't seen the course, the crowd, the conductor that really jives with your particular, out of the box vision. 

Maybe you haven't seen it done before. Maybe you don't even know what IT is. Maybe it's not just a business or a book you're craving; it's a whole new way of being.

this is exactly why i created


at home


the creation retreat


☀️ journey into inner alignment and excavate the unique blueprint of your soul's desires

☀️ soulfully Choose the most potent and potentialized of all your ideas 

☀️ shift your nervous system from struggling, scattered, or exhausted to steady and focused (and give you tools and practices to keep it on track)

☀️ mastermind with strategically-selected hives to bolster support and ideas

☀️ architect a new template of how to grow your creation alongside your other values of family and care

☀️ actually take powerful actions amongst collective support

☀️ inhabit the physical embodiment of what you want and move toward it with power

☀️ Alchemize the fears keeping you stuck and wobbly into cohesive energy and fuel

☀️ use embodied ritual to create a tangible threshold and marker of a new era of creatorship

☀️ explore creativity as a tool of reclamation and the path home to your true nature

☀️ travel past the blocks of visibility, confidence, confusion, or bandwidth to stamp a more true way of being into your bioenergetic system

☀️ circle with special guest experts to inspire, teach, motivate, and expand you

We'll make space to:

Hi, I'm Cristy Duce


And I'm living proof that intentional pilgrimage can initiate the massive leaps in momentum and identity that create the realization of your wildest dreams and fruition of your deepest desires.

All my life I had an ache for something bigger than what I saw. A raw impulse to create a different life than the templates laid out for me. All the too-muchness felt like a burden to myself and a secret I had to keep from other people to fit in and find love. Now I recognize all that latent energy as life itself begging to come through me to become something in the material world and send ripples of a new way out in all directions.

Of course, in some ways, this is a lifetime of work, but in others, I've had to strike out from my life, walk edges of reclamation. At first, the leading required leaving. But the payoffs have been exponential, not just in creating a life more true to my soul, but in initiating me into the path of maturation, where I can call forth more of myself to create what I desire and what desires to be created through me.

I'm here as a stand that you can become and create anything you want, but you need to stop DABBLING in it and start MOVING for it.


🌴 the secret badass, camoflauged in school pickup lines and planning the staff christmas party

🌴 the artists, creators, writers, and poets–even if you wonder if that title still applies

🌴 New, seasoned, and aspiring entrepreneurs, pulled to create a greater impact for their family and leave a legacy

🌴 the builders, the cheerleaders, the women longing to share the wisdom they have already and connect, deepen, and lift through connection

🌴 The dreamer standing on the precipice with just an idea, but who knows that with a powerful chrysalis and guide, there is something waiting beyond the monotony of their current life

🌴 The wild souls, ready to feel the power of their full aliveness once again

❌ Those who are unwilling to contribute their hearts and gifts to a group

❌ Those skeptical of meditation or inner work inquiry and growth

Who It's Not For:

kathleen smith

guest expert

Kathleen Smith sings the language of the heart, and her newest album, MEDICINE, showcases an artist unafraid to share the depths of her vulnerability and humanity.

After years in the big cities of Los Angeles and New York, Kathleen retreated to the woods of New Mexico to write and record in an old barn. Teaching herself to engineer, she produced, played and sang nearly the entire album all by herself.

Music from previous albums has been seen and heard on the radio, in TV and films, and by audiences around the US when she comes through on tour. 

She is also a music supervisor for TV shows and films on Netflix, Hulu, Showtime, and ESPN, as well as the popular music podcast and Netflix TV show Song Exploder (of which she is also a producer.)  

Her ethos is to create work from her heart, in the hopes that it might help people connect to their own hearts and inspire them to make their own art. 

She lives in Santa Fe, NM with her husband, Shawn, and her white piano, Princess, and she occasionally interviews “super cool people doing super cool stuff” for her own podcast, Freak Flag with Kathleen Smith. 

whitney ullom

guest expert

Whitney Ullom is a somatic facilitator, ritualist, and trauma resolutionist. She supports deeply soulful creatives with big visions to remember the wild and wise truth of their bodies, sexuality, and soul. 

She walks the fault lines of reclamation, feminine maturation, sex and relationships, boundaries, and initiation. She takes women from shame, fear, and numbness to creative, mobilized, and fully expressed.

Whitney opens the path for you to be able to feel yourself in the deepest of depths. To have the space to come home to the truth that is desperate to awaken in you. To feel at home in your body. To be in relationships that are built on truth and connection. To own your magic and your medicine, and be able to share it unapologetically. To experience the Great Mother - the radical fierce feminine love that helps us step out of the collapse of our wounding and into the initiated adult woman.

She's here to take you to those depths so you can reclaim the truth and live a deeply soulful life of joy, purpose, and pleasure.

She lives with the land in South Dakota and brings an embodied experience of threshold and somatic change to The Creation Retreat.

word on the street




(Besides creating the strategy and start on your next era of Creatorship, plus coming home a whole new person while simultaneously remembering exactly who you've always been)

immersion retreat weekend + integration and lifetime recording access

🌿 4 immersive soul and creation sessions (over 10 hours) (Friday evening, Saturday morning and afternoon, Sunday late afternoon)

🌿 Home retreat guides sent out to help prepare for and deepen your experience, complete with supplies list, menu suggestions, and how to host gathering with local friends

🌿 Livestream access to your location (invite as many people as you want!)

🌿 Lifetime recording access just for you

🌿 One follow up virtual workshop (approximately one month later, details TBA) for integration and support



early bird investment until oct 17:

October 18 - 20, 2024


let's do this

Solidarity pricing available for single moms, people of the global majority, and those in true financial need. Click HERE

Interest-free payment plans available.



what if I don't know exactly what I'm creating?

All of your indecision, your imposter syndrome, your lack of clarity is welcome here. One of my greatest gifts is distilling your genius and desires and also identifying what's holding you back from creating what you want. This retreat is for Creation and Creators. If you have the desire to be there, you already qualify and there will be ample opportunity for individual and group work to hone in on what is the NEXT THING for you and how your soul most wants to put it forth in the world. 

is this a business thing?

Your deepest desires may want to come forth in the form of a business, but there is no agenda towards commodification or monetization. There will be support for business endeavors baked in, but primarily, this is an experience for distilling and recognizing the most expansive vision and action steps for a new era of your life. This may be in art, non-profit, relationships, or even just a new way of relating and moving in your life centered in your authenticity and creative impulse.

i want to do it, but that weekend isn't great...

Of course I have a strong recommendation toward live attendance. There will be time for individual support and hot seat coaching, as well as alchemical small group connections (but not in a scary way ;). I would also offer that some of the reasons you may not be experiencing the life you desire is the tendency toward being pulled in too many directions and prioritizing everyone else's needs above your own. Or maybe your life just is really demanding and it's difficult to create a long stretch of time for yourself. Both would be ample reasons to shift what you can to dedicate this weekend to your soul desires and charting a different course for the next season.

However, I realize this weekend and schedule may not work for everyone. This experience will still be potent and powerful in its recorded form (I've done a few recorded retreats myself that were clear trajectory-changers). The weekend schedule is designed with a thoughtful arc through days and sessions, but you are still welcome to come in when you can and experience previous sessions later, even if you cannot attend chronologically.

how do i know you can help me with my creation?

Even though I have experience supporting and guiding business owners from beginning entrepreneurs to those earning five and six figures to even working behind the scenes in seven-figure businesses, as well as teaching writing at a post-secondary level, the through line of my work is helping you excavate YOUR unique path, genius, deepest work, fullest expression, and most easeful path forward. I have done it for many others before you, and I have receipts ;)

Plus, I have pulled in dear and deeply-admired creators and facilitators to give you an array of experience and expertise and to hold and amplify the vastness that is you as you become the one who can create what has called you.

Can i do this with my friends?

Yes! Isn't that fun? You only need to register one person for the livestream and invite and gather with as many as you wish. When we break into small groups, you can circle with other creators who are right in the room. Have a sleepover, walk in nature, prepare beautiful food together. In fact, I'd love to leave a strong recommend on this option ;) Flesh and bone and beating hearts. Make it fun, make it sacred, make it together.

what if my home doesn't feel very retreat-like?

I want to invite you to get creative here about what would feel like an actual retreat for you–with all of yourself present. Maybe it's your bedroom or the basement. Maybe it's childcare or a kid exchange for another weekend. Maybe it's a hotel room or an Air BnB with friends or your grandma's house while she's in Florida. Maybe it's your childhood bedroom because there are just less kids and pets kicking around. Maybe it's sending your family on a weekend amusement park trip without you. I don't know what it will be for you, but I invite you to get creative and radically self-committed here. What sort of effort is called for when contemplating creating new timelines and emerging as the one you've been waiting for?

Your vision deserves to be truly held and moved for. You have already sought and grown and dreamed and learned. It is time for the harvest. It is time for the healing to make the magic manifest. It is time to gather your energy, stand tall in your integrity, and turn on your power to move FORWARD. There is no better time; there is no better place.
Reclaim who you have always been.

claim your place

brand + site design by me :)

© cristy lee duce 2024  |  all rights reserved