meta-mind &

let's fly!

UNFURL your                in the sacred path of creating your rich and replenishing





business meta-mind

meta-mind / mɛtə-maɪnd /:

1. the combined intelligence and problem-solving capabilities of a group, surpassing the cognitive abilities of individual members

2. an advanced state of cognitive awareness leading to greater self-awareness and introspection

3. the evolution of thought processes, where traditional linear thinking is transcended by more integrated and holistic approaches, incorporating multiple perspectives and layers of understanding

6 Months of Weekly Individual Coaching & Support in a Small Group Context

Real World Strategy, Coupled with Liberating Inner Growth

Lifetime Access to Foundational Content Modules to Unleash Your Innate Biz Genius

Curated Intimate and Intentional Community

And what if they also could tell you what platform to use and what fonts looked good together and answer your tech questions and sit with you while you worked to make sure you actually did what you said you wanted to do and called you out (with love) when you were getting in your own way?

Well, now ya do 😘

Not to mention, settle on a marketing plan to find your people in a leveraged and true-to-you way instead of getting distracted and dysregulated by all the ‘shiny object syndrome’ of the internet? 

Ever wish you had someone to just help you figure out exactly what you wanted to do and what would feel most joyful and alive and well-paid and easy? 

Through the collection of course material (most of which is deeper and steadier than the flash and bang you'll usually find in online marketing) + the weekly cohort, community, and coaching, you'll be guided, led, helped, supported, tutored, co-worked, and coached through creating a resonant brand, polished online presence, and easeful human connection builder to lay the foundation of the business of your daydreams. 

No fluff, no inapplicable theoretical modules…actionable direction and personalized solutions to skip the learning curve and ‘procrasti-branding’ and googling hours and using overwhelm as an excuse to not serve in the world and take action toward the life you say you want. 

Plus, there are reasons that absolutely make sense to your psyche and nervous system as to why you haven't done this already. We'll work on that too 😉 

You'll emerge with new wings fully unfurled—the replenishment to your soul and the gift to the world that was always waiting for you. LFG 🦋

Create replenishing revenue doing the work you actually know you should be doing in the world.



“Cristy's real-time feedback, suggestions, and ideas have been invaluable in my business. She truly cares about each of us and just flows with ideas and suggestions to not only create a profitable business that's actually fun, but also thriving and sustainable for years to come.

I could go on for days about how incredible this experience has been for me! If you've wanted to start a new business or pivot your existing business, Chrysalis is the place to be!"


Here's what past 🐛🦋Chrysalis members are saying:

Imagine, in a couple months, saying “I did” instead of “I'm going to.”

Here's the great news: If you're here, I can answer a few questions you've had on agitate or spin for months, maybe years.

You really are (smart, organized, pretty, popular, knowledgable, competent, disciplined, etc etc) enough to do this. 

You have what it takes. It absolutely will work. You do deserve it.

Phewsh. Feel better? Good. Now that we've got that out of the way, let's talk about the big x-factor here. Time. How long it will take you to get “there.” (Chrysalis hint #1: There is actually no "there.)

There are a bevy of (understandable) blocks that can really slow you down in this business/entrepreneurship game and getting to the community, impact, and replenishing income you desire.

Here's a few: Platform/tech indecision, procrastination-branding, socialized/generational money and receiving stuff, confidence, troubleshooting constant technical issues, saving money to hire contractors or take courses, time and family/job responsibilities, learning curve of copywriting/platform-building/marketing, pricing, offer construction, etc etc etc etc etc.

So what if we just shortened that timeline in the coziest, most supportive, most bang-for-your-buck, fun, actually useful, party-on-a-rocketship 🚀🦄 way that was totally custom and personal to your business and personality and challenges and strengths, but without the custom/personal price tag?

Good idea, right?

"Right! Tell Me More!" 

Oh, and also, you would super like a close group of friends who were doing this too.

Does this sound

like you?

You listen to the podcasts and you feel totally overwhelmed with all your ideas and stuff you're “supposed” to do

You've cracked your laptop to get started so many times, but it just feels like opening a multiverse where everything is important all at once

You want polished and professional results, but when you look at hiring photographers, designers, copywriters, social media markers, you'd have to get real good at manifesting 😂 real fast to make it happen

You might have even taken business courses before, but found so much of it was a theoretical exercise and not directly helpful to your business and roadblocks

You have a deep desire to both serve and impact people and also live a life that feels joyful and stretching, but sustainable and fun, but when you think about asking people for money, you want to hurl 🤮

You know there's stuff going on under your perfectionism and procrastinating, but you're too close to see what you're doing to hold yourself back

You might even have a business already, but you're not making the money you need to make all the stress feel worth it and you just know there has to be a better way than this or signing up for a life of T4s

You wish you had someone who knew the online business world, but also knew you, oh, and also that you could ask them questions and get their advice

We found each other.


Good News,

You can let your shoulders drop and breathe a little deeper.



Hit “sign up” on the platforms you need to get doing your work in the world and forget about the analysis paralysis on everything you don't.

Create an offer suite and business design that replenishes your energy and create the life you want instead of feeling like you have to move back in with your parents to make this work. 

Give yourself a (grace-filled) built-in accountability structure and timeline to follow

Actually live a life mixed with focused, needle-moving work and guilt-free play (without the yucky in between ;)

Start connecting with the people who are waiting for your help, with the confidence of a polished and thoroughly audited online platform

Cozy in with a crew of close-knit pals and cultivate a long-term support system

Dance into a truer, more powerful version of yourself ready to serve at the level in your sneaky daydreams



Clarify where to leverage your precious time and actually make your laptop hours count








Your business isn't you, but it is your work of art.
This is not about ramming you into a generic
"framework" or strategy that involves just blindly DOING ALL THE THINGS. Custom-crafted everything for the business you want and the life you actually have. The support content is foundational and liberatory to make you more money and more of yourself.

the cocoon and unfurling of chrysalis

oh yeah, i'm in!

Here's How We'll Do It:

Close, Curated Community


Tactical + Soul Support

nuts and bolt of brand, website, funnels + inner growth

Not only do you have a private group Telegram chat for mid-week check-ins, tech support, and real-time requests, but the depth of wise community is a container where your soul can finally relax into its splendor and fullness.
Wounds like, "I'm too much" or "my dreams are too big" finally get put to rest inside an intimate and highly-skilled community. Welcome home.

strategic support

We'll get in close to your business, vision, dreams, and roadblocks to deepen into aligned and creative strategy and refinement.
Because you're not just a tiny zoom screen lost in a sea of enrollments, I keep my finger on the pulse of not just your business, but your vision and your genius. We work together from there.

Chrysalis is the meeting place of both the inner and outer growth of business. You have access to a sweeping professional skillset to help build your visual brand, create a high-converting and beautiful website, create email funnels, and write high performing copy. With a wide breadth of platforms, you'll get customized advice and tech help WHILE we laser in on the inner patterns and soul shifts necessary for your business' unfurling.

the antidote to the resistance to becoming all you are

foundational modules to enhance your specific genius

Weekly Live Support

“I never could have done on my own in such a short amount of time. Totally worth every penny.”

Even though she was a tech expert and already had a business for 5 years…


"I wasn't sure if Chrysalis was right for me. I've already had a "business" and online presence for 5 years, but wanted to rebrand. I knew how to do all the technical stuff, so I wasn't sure it was a fit.

I am so glad that I followed that little spark that pushed me to join Chrysalis. It has been the perfect catalyst for my rebrand and Cristy is a branding and copywriting genius. I am so excited to launch my new offer because I have a confidence in the look and feel of it that I could never have done on my own in such a short amount of time.

Totally worth every penny."

Before the metamorphosis, comes the safety and retreat. Begin the unfurling.


Module One: Vision & Vibe

Get clear on the business you actually “want,” not the one you think you should have. Learn how to create a seamless and polished brand identity and refine your visuals. Checklists for what you actually need to create a professional presence. Process to amplify and attract from the truth of who you are.

Module Two: Create a Lighthouse Brand

The research and refinements from week one become a resonant and recognizable brand, complete with brand assets that feel like your icon self. Create classy social templates and start sending your brand out to do its work in the world.

Module Three: Speak to the People

You know the best way to learn copywriting that connects and sells? Actually doing it. Of course, we'll get deep into who your people are, giving you a wellspring of prompts and ideas to use for months, but then we'll start talking to them. Socials, website…the writing begins. It will be fun. I promise. 

Module Four: Platforms + Promises

Well, more “offers” than promises, but it's not as snazzy. We'll work through what you'll do for the people and how and how much they'll pay you. Sound stressful? Yeah. That's why you need to be here ;) We'll work the numbers and ensure your business is lucrative enough for all the hassle, while planning for where you want to be in the future. All this strategy will inform your platform choices and we'll get clear on your technical needs too!



foundational modules

Module Five: Website Wizardry

We're doing it! We're doing it! We're making big moves! Starting with the essentials, we'll give your brand a home and a neighborhood for your people to find you. Eyes, brain, and technical know-how right on your progress, helping you make efficient and exciting progress! You'll also get my easy and fun sales page process to get your work out into the world without all the drama.

Module Six: Growth Design

So how are people going to find you? How are you going to find more people? How are you going to regularly connect with the people already here? Lead magnets, nurture sequences, emails, and growth plans. Yay! Planting seeds for the future right now, you gardener boss!

can't wait! I'm in!


Tuesday, july 23: 10:30 am - 12 pm MDT 

Tuesday, july 30: 10:30 am - 12 pm MDT

TUESDAY, AUGUST 13: 10:30 AM - 12 PM MDT

Tuesday, august 20: 10:30 am - 12 pm MDT

Tuesday, august 27: 10:30 am - 12 pm MDT

tuesday, july 16: 10:30 am - 12 pm MDT 









summer 2024 only:

When you enroll for Summer 2024, you'll receive LIVE attendance at the module recordings as a special bonus. More help, more integration, join us now! This is the last time the session will be taught LIVE!

Note: Sessions are booked for 1.5 hours, but an extra 30 minutes will be allotted for more personal help, integration, and feedback. We have plenty of time to get all your questions answered and material reviewed, but there is no need to stay for the additional time if it doesn't fit in your schedule.


Hi, I'm

For awhile, I thought I was doing two different things. On one hand, I was coaching women to reconnect to their desires and their intuition, create more joyful and equitable partnerships, shed the shackles of feeling like they're not doing it “right.” 

On the other hand, I was designing brands, websites, marketing plans and copy for businesses ranging from service-based solopreneurs, to products, to multimillion dollar brick and mortar operations. 

I know not everyone can afford to hire web designers and copywriters and strategists and coaches to wave a 🪄magic wand, but it dawned on me that I could be your 🧚🏼‍♀️Business Fairy Godmother and guide you through so many of the technical hurdles, tactical obstacles, and internal blocks to *actually* creating a business that fills your heart, pays you well, and helps the world.

Welcome to 🦋Chrysalis.

Plus, surprises and workshops to come!

Get these 🔥 Bonuses!


Exclusive Business Meditation Bundle

Professionally produced Business Meditation Bundle to commune with the Soul of Your Business, practice holding the energy of your new creation, and tuning into next steps. Value: $99



Even the mention of “sales calls” fills many female service providers with dread! Transform this experience into joy and excitement with my signature process to incredible “closing rates” and joining that Zoom call with enthusiasm! Value $299

Feel like joy and desire is so far away? With Spark, not only will you find it again, but you'll understand why it felt gone in the first place. A full month of daily activities, meditations, lessons, and journaling exercises designed to reignite your soul and bring life force back to your business! Value $599


homefires spark self-led course









2.5 hour masterclass + meditation + 25 page workbook

$299 USD

included in 🦋chrysalis🦋

find out more about joyful sales


**Note: Due to the digital, live, and intimate nature of the experience, there will be no refunds, but great effort will be invested to strive to ensure your success.






3 monthly payments of



6 monthly payments of


🇨🇦 toggle at checkout for canadian pricing 🇨🇦

🦋 Weekly LIVE coaching and individualized strategic support within a small group setting

🦋 6 Months access to weekly live coaching with initial enrollment

🦋 Business-changing and foundational modules from offer design to copywriting and tech stacking

🦋 Lifetime access to foundational trainings


🦋 Private (text-only) Telegram group for meta-mind connection, audio downloads, support between calls, ongoing community

🦋 Modules and replays available as private podcast

🦋 Mobile app for mobile listening

🦋 Meditation library, technical support, and cross-industry experience

🦋 Chrysalis Alumni? Click here for re-enrollment

Interested in Private Support or a Brand Design Combo?

keep reading to find out your dreams-come-true options

1:1 90 minute IGNITION session

add gas to the flame with a

Me, you, the spirit of your business, the whisperings of your genius will all to converge to create custom offerings, strategy, healing, and unfurling.

We'll go into your hopes, dreams, constraints, ideas, superpowers, and preferences and map out a business blueprint, growth plan, offer suite, and pricing to set course for a joyful and efficient journey to lush sustainability. 

Past participants have called this session a “sliding door moment" for their business that changed everything. Let's do it for yours.

oh yeah, i'm in!


save 50% off regular price $750


done-with-you plus a professional foundation? yes please!



Not ready for a full studio build, but want to design your sales pages and website on a visual foundation that makes you feel confident and authentic?

In this special discounted add-on, you can take your mini-brand guide as a treasure map to guide you through your Chrysalis experience.

After our first Chrysalis group session, I'll begin working up an energetically aligned visual brand, complete with logos, color palette, font selections, and imagery guide. Every element is a mixture of energetic reading, intuitive guidance, and channelled brand vision to give you the confidence, credibility, and creative direction to enchant your business to new heights.

exclusive mini-brand identity
professionally designed for you



add your mini-brand magic



Chrysalis VIP Experience

The ultimate brand and soul accelerator with personal, real-time support, professionally-crafted brand assets, and implementation assistance.

Combines your 6 month Chrysalis experience with an initial 3 month incubation addition. Designed to get you jumping over hurdles and into income and impact with more speed, lightness, and joy.

3 month Chrysalis accelerator


  • Includes everything in Chrysalis with foundational trainings, bonuses, and 6 month support within the group (Value $1200)

  • 1 90 min 1:1 intake call (Value $750)

  • Mini Brand Magic brand design and guide (Value $2000)

  • Unlimited private Telegram voice/text support during 3 month enrollment (Value $3000)

  • 1 private 45 min messaging review session (Value $500)

  • 2 hours design or automation sparkle by team (get some help with all those pesky tech or design frustrations and save some hair from being pulled out or get a few professionally-designed custom assets!) (Value $300)

  • Total Value Separately $7750

begin the metamorphosis



3 month & 6 month payment plans available

Still a Little


Not sure which combo best suits your business stage and personal needs? No problem. Have a personal support combo in mind and don't see it on the list? Easy.

Let's get this support going! Send me a DM or book a Catalyst Call and I'll chime in with some expert advice. I got you!

book a catalyst call

if I know one thing for sure, 

It's that the road to get


hasn't been easy.

and sometimes it feels exhausting to think about how far you still want to travel.

but the second thing i know is that

You are 


than you think.

I believe there is an innate intelligence underneath all the ways you think you can’t get it “right” or stay consistent or just follow the formula for “massive instagram growth” or “a business in a box” and have all the life-changing overnight success you see touted on every video that comes up from your reel tab these days.

I believe when we mine that resistance, we find the map to how you can craft a business and life true to your own landmarks and dimensions.

Mostly, it’s calling you to be MORE of yourself–and not necessarily in an oversharing, extrovert dancing on the internet sort of way, but to remember who you ALREADY are and what raw materials are encoded in your DNA that are just waiting for your harvest.

Your ancient, wise system won’t let you succeed with a pace that’s unsustainable and a strategy that doesn’t honor your soul.


So. Inner work FOREVER. Learning the language of your soul until the end of time. Befriending your nervous system with more and more intimacy. Walking the mystical path of learning to human on this 3D plane. Remembering it was never 3D anyway. Yes to all of that. 

ANDDDDDD… you still gotta make a website (probably) and write a sales page (see this one) and maybe find a kickass assistant (or not) and choose a tech platform that doesn’t make you want to pull your hair out and write stuff people actually want to read and sell (gasp!) your offers or services.


In Chrysalis, we're working from the paradigm that with a little reminder of what is already available to harvest, with mindset and embodiment coaching, with true community to hold you in your fullness and remind your nervous system it's safe to be at full wingspan, with strategy and generative business design, heaven is so much closer than you think.

I noticed in the online business course and program world out there, there was kinda one or the other. Sure, learn the energetics of wealth and manifesting, but that can get a little unhelpful when you notice you’ve been reading comparison lists for email platforms for a week or so and haven’t actually sent anything, or you have a rock solid visualization practice every morning and you can see those million bucks in your bank account, but you have no idea how to not space right out during a sales call or actually say your price out loud.

Similarly, you might be the best Canva wizard in the world and make the very prettiest carousel posts, but without learning how to tap into your own unique energy signature and channel that magnetic power in your marketing materials, you will spend a lot of time waiting for those Stripe notifications to hit your inbox. 

PLUS, you might have listened to all the podcasts and taken the courses and you KNOW there is something deeper going on with all the energetics and SOMETIMES you can even find that sweet spot and open up the flow–

OR you’ve been in the game for awhile and you know how to set up your webinar and upload the podcast but don’t really feel the freedom, abundance, creativity, exhilaration, and fulfillment that made you start this gig in the first place.

You might long to expand your income and impact, but your nervous system doesn’t have the consistent comfort of being known and seen and celebrated for your progress and fullness by a coach or community. 

Chrysalis meets whichever side is holding you back and transforms it into



Hear from Chrysalis

for established business owners

for new business owners



Who is Chrysalis for?

Chrysalis is most applicable for female service providers, coaches, creatives, course creators, and personal brands. It was originally conceived for the origins of your business to give you everything you need to skip the line into a self-created sustainable business with an online presence and marketing system you can be proud of. However, Chrysalis has grown to be so much more than that, supporting, evolving, re-configuring, and elevating established businesses to be far more profitable, efficient, and joyful than ever before.

Um is Chrysalis a course? Coaching? I don’t get it.

Well yes. Sort of. I have a road-tested, soulful, and somewhat unorthodox approach to women-owned businesses (with a significant online presence) that you won’t find in most places. It's been proven to demystify sales, copywriting, design, offer structure, and funnels. So the resource library of videos, (which can also be consumed as a private podcast!), audios, templates, and worksheets is an invaluable repository of game-changing content. 

However, there is no need to GET THROUGH IT or study it sequentially. It is designed to help AS NEEDED and to be a basic framework that can be implemented with live support. 

Most importantly, Chrysalis is a powerful and accessible way to get personalized and individual support and coaching within the context of the group meta-mind. Add in individualized and revolutionary strategy to design service and pricing structures that improve your bottom line, increase your impact, and facilitate you enjoying your business and your life! In addition to your calls with me, you also have fractional help and advice with operations, automations, and finances from the Chrysalis team.

when are the group calls? What if I can't attend live?

For the last six months, group calls have been on Wednesdays at 12:30 pm Mountain Time. It is likely we will keep at least some of the calls to this schedule; however, should we have new members with prohibitive commitments at that time, we'll change some call times to make at least some options available to all (i.e. one evening call per month). 

That said, you always have a place to ask for support and advice through our 24/7 Telegram group. Additionally, you may submit questions to be answered live and replays from all calls are available in our group portal.

I’m not sure this is the right time. Can I join later? 

Summer 2024 is most likely the last time the foundational trainings will be taught live, but you have the opportunity to join for the recordings at anytime. Chrysalis is an evergreen and arms-wide-open opportunity. I’m guessing you could use a little more help, support, and tectonic strategy to get to the good part faster. You’ve done so much already. Imagine what you could create with more raw materials. Rapid shifts and acceleration are possible so I invite you to seriously consider how making this decision for yourself sooner rather than later could affect the richness and fulfillment of your life.

brand + site design by me :)

© cristy lee duce 2024  |  all rights reserved